Join us for this fun Halloween themed event at the Dana Point Community Center, 34052 Del Obispo St.
The City’s Recreation Division is teaming up with Dana Point Police Services for two great family events on one day. Indoor activities are from 2:00pm to 8:00pm and include an elaborate Halloween maze, games, crafts, entertainment, and treats for children. Outdoor activities include the Dana Point Police Services Trunk or Treat from 2:00pm to 7:00pm, with candy for the kids at each display they visit. Come meet the Bloodhounds, Bomb Squad, K-9 Unit, Mounted Patrol, and the dedicated staff that keeps Dana Point safe. Kid’s costume parade at 6:00pm, with prizes! Refreshment and food available to purchase from food trucks.
For more information call the City of Dana Point Recreation Division at 949-248-3536.
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