Butterfly Meditation is a creative combination of guided meditation with insights from monarch butterfly metamorphosis and transformation. We as human beings experience many moments of transformation in life – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Sometimes periods of change in our lives are preceded by long periods without clear direction or answers to questions in our lives. We may struggle with anxiety, anger and fear during those times. Accepting change or lack of change can be very difficult. Monarch butterfly life cycle models some of these same issues and helps inform us that it IS all part of a purposeful process. The guided meditation helps us transform uncomfortable states of mind and feelings to a sense of peace, acceptance and an ability to live in the here and now – the present.
Susie Vanderlip is both a Monarch Butterfly Citizen Scientist, author and lecturer as well as a Certified Teacher of Actualism Meditation. She will guide participants with some butterfly life science and a lot of peace and calm through guided meditation.