Join us for a Naturalist led event focusing on local Dana Point History. Designed to introduce participants to the several different main historical periods (Acjachemen, Spanish Mission, Rancho, and Modern Era), touching more on the “Woodruff” era of the 1920’s and 30’s, the surfing heritage, and the harbor construction. Walking throughout the Dana Point Headlands Conservation Area will give context to the rich history of Dana Point, pointing out notable landmarks and telling stories to connect the past with our present day view.
A Walk Through History occurs on the third Saturday of each month and begins at the Nature Interpretive Center (34558 Scenic Drive, Dana Point, CA 92629) at 9 AM. The walk is flexible, approximately 1.5-2 hours long, covering 0.5-1.5 mile.
Binoculars are available to be borrowed from the Nature Interpretive Center prior to the walk.
Please RSVP to or (949) 248-3527. Walks are subject to cancellation due to inclement weather.
Dana Point Headland Conservation Area trails are open 7AM to Sunset daily.
Nature Interpretive Center hours: Tuesday-Sunday 10AM to 4PM.
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